Profesionalisme Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen Pada Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Manado Tahun 2018


  • Agus lope Tindige IAKN Manado
  • Marde Christian Stenly Mawikere IAKN Manado



Service, Christian Education, Teachers, Profesionals, Action research


This article examines the professionalism of Christian Religious
Education Teachers at the Senior High School level in Manado City. The
research was conducted using qualitative methods which were built from
literature research, observation and interviews.
This study begins with research on the professionalism of
teachers, both teachers in general and Christian Religious Education
teachers which are based on the example of the life and ministry of the
Lord Jesus Christ as the Great Teacher. Then proceed with empirical
research on the form of professionalism of Christian Religious Education
teachers, the obstacles faced by Christian Religious Education teachers in
increasing their professionalism and the efforts of Christian Religious
Education teachers in overcoming obstacles to increase their
The results of the study show that there is an opinion regarding
professional teachers of Christian Religious Education at the high school
level in the city of Manado which have links to formalities such as a
minimum bachelor's diploma, following the teacher certification process,
education and training, understanding the curriculum and alliances with
fellow teachers. The obstacle for a Christian Religious Education teacher
in increasing his professionalism comes from external factors such as the
limited development costs and opportunities for developing Christian
Religious Education teachers themselves. Meanwhile, the efforts of a
Christian Religious Education teacher in overcoming obstacles in
increasing professionalism are also external factors such as further
studies, mastery of the curriculum and skills in the preparation of
learning tools.
With the results of this study, it is possible to recommend
proposals for Christian Religious Education teachers, especially in the
city of Manado for the professional development of teachers using the
Action Research model. This model provides opportunities for Christian
Religious Education teachers to be involved and as the main actors in the
learning process, they identify and find problems, and then explore,
explore and find their own answers to problems they encounter in the
field. The Action Research Model is a model that can be an alternative
choice to help teachers develop their professionalism


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How to Cite

Tindige, A. lope, & Mawikere , M. C. S. . (2021). Profesionalisme Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen Pada Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Manado Tahun 2018 . MAGENANG : Jurnal Teologi Dan Pendidikan Kristen, 1(2), 42-68.

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